About Us Surrender of Indian Passport and Renunciation of Indian citizenship'

Surrender of Indian Passport by erstwhile Citizens of India and Renunciation of Indian Citizenship. The surrender Certificate application fee is SEK 276. 

  • Application for  Surrender of Indian passport may be submitted by the applicant between 1000 hrs to 1100 hrs. The time to collect the document and original passport is between 1600 hrs to 1700 hrs. Applicant will receive an email from the Embassy when the Surrender Certificate is ready for collection. (Please book an appointment before visiting theEmbassy).

  • Applications may also be sent and collected by Registered Post to/from the Embassy at Kornhamnstorg 4, Box 2131, 10314, Stockholm.

  • Timeline: The minimum processing time for the procedure of surrender of Indian passport, is 4-5 weeks, after the receipt of the duly completed application in the Embassy. Please contact us after 4-5 weeks of sending the application if you do not hear anything fromus.  

  • If you want to know if the Embassy has received the application, kindly send the application by registered post and track it on the Postnord website. In case of wishing this service by post, a return REK envelope with address and REK waybill with barcode may also be sent to the  Embassy.  If you want to know the tracking number of your dispatched post, note the REK number of your return envelope in advance and track it on the Postnord website. The REK receipt can be generated on the Postnord’s website.

Indian nationals considering acquisition of foreign citizenship are reminded that the Indian Citizenship Act does not provide for dual citizenship. Thus, Indian nationals who have acquired foreign citizenship are required to apply for a 'Surrender Certificate' by surrendering their Indian Passport. Under Section 12(1A) of the Passports Act, possession of an Indian passport by foreign nationals is a cognizable offence.


Applicants are requested to fill in details in the application form as per the latest Indian passport.

Steps to be followed to fill in application:

  1. Open https://portal3.passportindia.gov.in/Online/index.html on internet.

  2. Register by clicking on “Register” link. Select “Sweden-Stockholm” in the box against Indian Mission.

  3. Login with the registered login ID and Password on “ User Login” link.

  4. In the Applicant Home Page, click on “Apply for Surrender of Indian Passport” link to file a new application.

Documents required to be submitted at Mission with the application.

  1. Print out of the online submitted application for passport surrender- signed by the applicant on the first and last page. In case of minor, either parent is to sign on last page.

  2. Self attested copy of Swedish Passport.

  3. Self attested copy of  Certificate of Registration/Naturalization of foreign nationality(Medborgarskapbevis)

  4. Self attested copy of Indian Passport (first and bio page).

  5. Indian Passport in original (current and old).

  6. Two Photographs against white background - one to be pasted on the application in the space provided and one to be attached with the application form. (Photograph should not be more than six months old and size of 2 inch * 2 inch(51 mm* 51mm) 

  7. Personbevis in English

  8. Payment fee receipt of SEK 276

  9. For minor parent's current passport (self-attested copy) also

A person who has ceased to be Indian Citizen is required to surrender the documents which he had acquired on the basis of his Indian citizenship (e.g. Voter Card etc) to the authorities concerned.

3. As per the latest guidelines, Renunciation is no longer a mandatory document for applying OCI.

4. Renunciation of Indian Citizenship (The fee is INR 8000 equivalent to SEK 989)

If an applicant has already been issued a naturalisation certificate/passport by another country, the applicant loses his Indian Citizenship with immediate effect and hence is ineligible to apply for Renunciation of Indian Citizenship under Section 8 of the Indian Citizenship Act.

a) RENUNCIATION OF INDIAN CITIZENSHIP - Instructions to Applicants

The online form should be filled in Block/ Capital letters.

Renunciation of Indian Citizenship: Any Indian Citizen who wishes to apply for renunciation of Indian citizenship may do so by making a declaration of intention to renounce Indian citizenship, in Form XXII, as specified in Rule 23 of The Citizenship Rules, 2009.

This form has to be completed on the online portal of Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India at https://indiancitizenshiponline.nic.in.

FEE – This fee of INR 8000 can be paid online INR 8000 (INR 7000 + INR 1000). This will be charged in Indian rupees at MHA portal then there is NO requirement of fee payment in SEK 989 for MHA renunciation through online bank transfer to the given below bank Giro number. 

Please note that if NOT paid online INR 8000 at MHA portal, in that case INR 8000 equivalent to SEK 989 is charged for the MHA renunciation. The fee for MHA renunciation is SEK 989 to be paid through online bank transfer to the given below bank Giro number. 

Note: Once the application form is submitted online by the applicant, no further modifications are allowed. Therefore, applicants are requested to carefully verify the details before submitting the online application. Instructions and details regarding the application are available on the weblink: https://indiancitizenshiponline.nic.in/Renounce.

MHA File Number would be generated automatically after the submission of online application and the same will be communicated to the applicant by e-mail. Applicant must keep note of it for tracking the status and refer this file number for any future correspondence.

Applicant must take the printout of the online submitted application and personally submit (On prior appointment only) the same at the Embassy of India along with original documents for further action by authority concerned.


Steps to be followed to fill in application:

Open https://indiancitizenshiponline.nic.in on internet; go to Declaration of Renunciation of Citizenship under Section 8 of the Act Made by a Citizen of India and follow the instructions.

c) Uploading of documents at the portal

1. Self-attested copy of current Swedish passport and old Indian Passport first and last page. First page containing personal particulars? and last page containing parents and address details.

2. Self attested copy of Certificate of Registration/Naruralization of foreign nationalit(Medborgarskapbevis) payment receipt, Utility bills etc.

Documents required to be submitted at Mission with the application.

  1. Print out of the online submitted MHA Renunciation application (FORM XXII)

  2. Self-attested copy of Indian Passport (first and bio page).

  3. Indian Passport in original (current and old).

  4. Self-attested copy of current Swedish passport

  5. One coloured photograph against white background (Photograph should not be more than six months old and size of 2 inch * 2 inch(51 mm* 51mm) 

  6. Self-attested copy of Certificate of Registration/Naturalization of foreign nationality(Medborgarskapbevis)

  7. Personbevis in English

  8. Payment fee receipt 

Declaration on the first page of MHA renunciation (Form-XXII) is mandatory to be signed by the applicant in presence of Consular Officer.

Second page of MHA renunciation FORM XXII should be signed by a witness who is an Indian Citizen- with date, his/her name, passport number (self attested Indian passport and resident permit) and Swedish postal address. The signature and details of the witness may be obtained before visiting the Embassy for submission.

The Spouse of the applicant will not be considered as a witness. Every applicant must fill separate application and pay separate fee. Every application is considered as separate application and should include all the above-mentioned documents. Any application without complete documents will not be accepted.

Processing time: Please note that the renunciation will take approximately 8-10 weeks if all the documents are found to be correct. The process/queries related to renunciation would be taken care of by OCI section. 

Note: Indian passport may also be surrendered due to a reason other than renunciation of Indian citizenship.

5. For matters related to MHA website and regarding filling of online application or technical errors of the website, applicants may contact support.ctznoci@mha.gov.in
The Embassy reserves the right to call for additional documents as considered necessary.  

6. Applicants are requested to pay the fee for the service(s) requested, through online bank transfer to the given below account number.

7. It is mandatory to give the following details in the Message box (Meddelande box) of the transaction sheet.

  • Service(s) requested for

  • Name of the applicant (s)

  • Mobile/Telephone number

Bank details for Latvian residents:                              

Bank details for Swedish residents:

SEK Account: 5277 1103 311
IBAN No: SE10 5000 0000 0527 7110 3311
Beneficiary’s Name – Embassy of India

Bank Giro No. 5816-4930  

Question: Can Indian passport be surrendered without renouncing the Indian citizenship?

Answer: Yes. Surrender of Indian passport and Renunciation of Indian citizenship are two separate services. Passport can be surrendered without applying for renunciation of Indian citizenship. However, certificate for renunciation of Indian citizenship may be required when a former Indian citizen applies for other services.